Words-and-Pictures: Statuary

Note: This selection of Words-and-Pictures was made on October 1, 2001, as I walked on the Old Tokaido.

This statuary yard is located between Chiryu and Narumi in Aichi Prefecture, which are Stations #39 and 40 respectively (from Tokyo) on the Old Tokaido Highway. You can read about my visit in my Logbook.

So I'm walking down the street and up ahead I see these two creepy people standing by a bridge in the dusk. And when I get closer, I discover they're part of a crowd...

The first "people" I saw...

A couple of crowd scenes...

And some close ups. This is not me with my shirt off; it's Hotei, one of the Seven Lucky Gods, standing next to Prince Somebody-or-other

I think this is Jurojin, another of the Seven Lucky Gods.

This is undoubtedly My Lady Kannon-sama. One freaky thing about this display is that the maker has made the gods look very human.

And here's Kobo Daishi, my other patron for this trip.

See? I told you this was weird. Weirder still to come across them all alone on a busy highway at near-dark.

Posted October 4, 2019

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