Words-and-Pictures: The Futagawa Honjin

Note: This selection of Words-and-Pictures was made on September 27, 2001, as I walked on the Old Tokaido.

This honjin (official inn) is at Futagawa in Aichi Prefecture, which is Station #33 (from Tokyo) on the Old Tokaido Highway. You can read about my visit to Futagawa in my Logbook.

The official inn at Futagawa is a real delight. The main house was built in 1753, with additions made in 1849 and 1856. Restoration was completed in 1991. The main house covers almost 770 square meters--over 8,000 square feet! The two okura (storehouses) date to 1718 and 1733; they total almost 110 square meters (with two stories each).

I shot so many pictures here that I've revised the page format a bit. The pictures are rather small, but I don't think you'll miss much. Larger images of some similar fixtures can be seen in the Maisaka waki honjin. (But if you really need a large photo of an indoor wooden toilet, let me know, and I'll see what I can do.) [2019: Pages load much faster than they used to, so I've returned all the images on this page to their original sizes.]

The garden and grounds, including the okura or storehouses:

The interior:

The dais from which visitors were received

The earthen-floored central hallway, which divides the guests' quarters from the servants' side

The kitchen stove

The well, with a vending machine behind


A tub

This device was for use by gentlemen only (get it?).

This squatter was on the servants' side of the building...

...the stand-up version was for guests. (I want to try it!)

On display:

Another kago

Boxes for carrying cargo

Household goods

Posted October 1, 2019

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