Journal: The Road Ahead: Yamato area

Note: This Journal entry was written on October 8, 2001, as I walked on the Old Tokaido. Take a look at that day's Logbook for more.


As Kyoto looms nearer, I have been planning my next steps. From Tokyo to Kyoto was simple: just follow the (yellow brick?) road. But now, I have some choices to make until I reach Shikoku.

I had originally planned to find and follow old roads through the Yamato area, from Kyoto to Wakayama. But my research came up empty. I know the old roads are there, but apparently not enough are designated to make possible a trip using them completely.

And now, with time growing short, I wouldn't be able to do it anyway.

What to do?

I have chosen three extremely tasty walks that I have long wanted to do. I then designed an itinerary that would take these in, as well as a few other high points. So here's what I expect to be doing for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, October 9th
  • WALK: Arrive Kyoto; take care of personal business
  • Visit Toji in Kyoto
  • Visit Byodo-in in Uji [aborted]
  • Lodging: Nara
Wednesday, October 10th
Thursday, October 11th
Friday, October 12th
  • WALK: Up the pilgrim's trail to Mount Koya [aborted]
  • Visit the Garan precincts before reaching my lodging
  • Lodging: Koyasan
Saturday, October 13th
  • Visit the Okunoin, where Kobo Daishi rests in eternal meditation. This is the proper place to begin the Shikoku pilgrimage
  • Transit day to Tokushima, near Temple #1 of the pilgrimage
  • Lodging: Tokushima
Sunday, October 14th
  • Begin the 88 Temple Pilgrimage of Shikoku
  • Lodging: Tokushima

Updated October 9, 2019

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