To Be a Pilgrim: The Old Tokaido Leg

My Aki Meguri ("Autumn Journey") was made up of three "legs": This--the first one--as well as two more: the Yamato Leg and the Shikoku Leg. On this page, I have compiled pages from my old site:
  • An Introduction to the Old Tokaido Leg;
  • A chart of the 53 Stations of the highway, including ideal distances; and
  • A record of my progress, with the Station(s) I reached, where I prayed that day, and where I slept that night
  • A list of resources, that helped me along the way
Without further ado...

An Introduction to the Old Tokaido Leg

During certain periods of her history, Japan was ruled, not by the emperor, but by a military ruler known as the shogun. One family, the Tokugawas, held power for around 250 years, from about 1600 to the mid-nineteenth century. The first Tokugawa shogun, Ieyasu, had won his office through a series of battles in the tumultuous Sengoku, or Warring States, Period. Because his position was hard-won, he immediately began making moves to consolidate his power and ensure the stability of the peace he had created.

One of his first such moves was to designate the Tokaido as the official highway from his new capital, Edo (now Tokyo) to the ancient capital of Kyoto where the largely-powerless and symbolic Emperor still resided. Although the highway had existed for centuries, the Tokugawa shogunate designated 53 stations between Nihombashi in Edo and the Sanjo Bridge in Kyoto, and provided for the construction of inns at these post stations, as well as general improvements of the road itself.

Although the system was not completed until 1624, Ieyasu’s declaration was issued in 1601, so I am walking in the 400th anniversary year of the Tokaido.

[Note: For this new incarnation of The Temple Guy, I have created a Google Map of the Tokaido. You can also read my new introduction.]

The 53 Stations of the Old Tokaido

I don't recall where I got these distances, and can't really vouch for their accuracy. Take them as "illustrative." See the daily Logbook posts for further details, where I will try to include (very) approximate daily totals.

No. Name Kanji From
Start Nihombashi 日本橋 -- 492.1 -- Tokyo
1 Shinagawa 品川 7.8 484.3 7.8 Tokyo
2 Kawasaki 川崎 17.6 474.5 9.8 Kanagawa
3 Kanagawa (Yokohama) 神奈川 27.3 464.8 9.7 Kanagawa
4 Hodogaya 保土ヶ谷 32.2 459.9 4.9 Kanagawa
5 Totsuka 戸塚 41.0 451.1 8.8 Kanagawa
6 Fujisawa 藤沢 48.8 443.3 7.8 Kanagawa
7 Hiratsuka 平塚 62.4 429.6 13.7 Kanagawa
8 Oiso 大磯 65.4 426.7 2.9 Kanagawa
9 Odawara 小田原 81.0 411.1 15.6 Kanagawa
10 Hakone 箱根 97.4 394.6 16.5 Kanagawa
11 Mishima 三島 112.2 379.9 14.7 Shizuoka
12 Numazu 沼津 118.0 374.1 5.8 Shizuoka
13 Hara 123.8 368.2 5.9 Shizuoka
14 Yoshiwara 吉原 135.6 356.5 11.7 Shizuoka
15 Kanbara 蒲原 146.7 345.4 11.1 Shizuoka
16 Yui 由比 150.6 341.5 3.9 Shizuoka
17 Okitsu 興津 159.7 332.4 9.1 Shizuoka
18 Ejiri (Shimizu) 江尻 163.8 328.3 4.1 Shizuoka
19 Fuchu (Shizuoka) 府中 174.3 317.8 10.5 Shizuoka
20 Mariko 丸子 179.9 312.1 5.6 Shizuoka
21 Okabe 岡部 187.7 304.3 7.8 Shizuoka
22 Fujieda 藤枝 194.5 297.6 6.7 Shizuoka
23 Shimada 島田 203.1 289.0 8.6 Shizuoka
24 Kanaya 金谷 207.0 285.1 3.9 Shizuoka
25 Nissaka 日坂 213.5 278.5 6.5 Shizuoka
26 Kakegawa 掛川 220.6 271.5 7.0 Shizuoka
27 Fukuroi 袋井 230.1 262.0 9.5 Shizuoka
28 Mitsuke 見付 235.9 256.1 5.8 Shizuoka
29 Hamamatsu 浜松 252.3 239.8 16.4 Shizuoka
30 Maisaka 舞阪 263.1 228.9 10.8 Shizuoka
31 Arai 新居 269.0 223.1 5.9 Shizuoka
32 Shirasuka 白須賀 275.5 216.6 6.5 Shizuoka
33 Futagawa 二川 281.2 210.8 5.7 Aichi
34 Yoshida 吉田 287.3 204.8 6.1 Aichi
35 Goyu 御油 297.5 194.6 10.2 Aichi
36 Akasaka 赤坂 299.2 192.8 1.7 Aichi
37 Fujikawa 藤川 308.0 184.1 8.8 Aichi
38 Okazaki 岡崎 314.6 177.5 6.6 Aichi
39 Chiryu 知立 329.5 162.6 14.9 Aichi
40 Narumi 鳴海 340.5 151.5 11.0 Aichi
41 Miya (Nagoya) 347.0 145.0 6.5 Aichi
42 Kuwana 桑名 374.3 117.7 27.3 Mie
43 Yokkaichi 四日市 386.9 105.2 12.5 Mie
44 Ishiyakushi 石薬師 397.6 94.4 10.7 Mie
45 Shono 庄野 400.3 91.7 2.7 Mie
46 Kameyama 亀山 408.1 83.9 7.8 Mie
47 Seki 414.0 78.1 5.8 Mie
48 Sakanoshita 坂下 420.5 71.6 6.5 Mie
49 Tsuchiyama 土山 430.2 61.8 9.7 Shiga
50 Minakuchi 水口 440.7 51.3 10.5 Shiga
51 Ishibe 石部 454.4 37.7 13.7 Shiga
52 Kusatsu 草津 466.1 26.0 11.7 Shiga
53 Otsu 大津 480.4 11.7 14.3 Shiga
End Kyoto 京都 492.1 -- 11.7 Kyoto

A Record of My Progress

A couple of notes:
  • In the "Stopped at" column, "+" indicates that I went past a particular place; "-" means I almost reached it.
  • When possible, "Prayed at" includes the sect of the temple (or if it was a Shinto shrine) and the honzon or figure enshrined on the main altar; I can't guarantee the accuracy of this info!
Again, see the daily Logbook posts for further details. All dates are 2001.

Stopped at Station(s)
Prayed at Slept at
Sun., Sep. 2 -- -- -- Home
Mon., Sep. 3 -- -- -- Home
Tue., Sep. 4 -- -- -- Home
Wed., Sep. 5 Shinagawa Start, 1 Sengakuji, Shinagawa;
Soto Zen
(Shaka Muni Butsu)
Suisanso Ryokan, Gotanda
Thu., Sep. 6 Kawasaki 2 Honsenji, Shinagawa;
(Suigetsu Kannon)
Apartment Bicycle Area, Kawasaki
Fri., Sep. 7 Hodogaya 3, 4 Soujiji, Tsurumi;
Soto Zen
Tom and Yuka's, Kamakura
Sat., Sep. 8 -- -- Engakuji, Kita-Kamakura;
Rinzai Zen
(Houkan Shaka)
Sun., Sep. 9 Totsuka 5 Unnamed shrine, Totsuka;
Mon., Sep. 10 Chigasaki - 6 Yugyoji, Fujisawa;
Ji Sect
(Amida Nyorai)
Yanagi Ryokan, Chigasaki
Tue., Sep. 11 No walking;
None In my room "
Wed., Sep. 12 Ninomiya 7, 8 Joshoji, Chigasaki;
(Amida Nyorai);
AND Seichoji, Oiso
Thu., Sep. 13 Odawara 9 Togakuin, Ninomiya;
(Fudo Myoo)
Fri., Sep. 14 Moto-Hakone 10 Sainokawara, near Lake Ashino "
Sat., Sep. 15 Mishima - -- Sokanji, near Yamanaka Castle Ruins, between Hakone and Mishima
Numazu Hotel, Numazu
Sun., Sep. 16 Hara 11, 12, 13 Mishima Taisha, Mishima;
(God of Land, God of Sea)
Mon., Sep. 17 Yoshiwara 14 Shouinji, Hara;
Rinzai Zen
(Amida Nyorai)
Tue., Sep. 18 Yui +
(foot of Satta Pass)
15, 16 Daihoji, Yui;
Rinzai Zen
(Nyoirin Kannon)
The Maruyamas, Shizuoka
Wed., Sep. 19 Ejiri +
(Kusanagai Station)
17, 18 Seikenji, Okitsu;
Rinzai Zen
(Shaka Nyorai)
Kagetsu Ryokan, Shizuoka
Thu., Sep. 20 Mariko +
(foot of Utsunoya Pass)
19, 20 Chogenji, Mariko;
Rinzai Zen
(Amida Nyorai)
Fri., Sep. 21 Shimada -
(Rokugo Station)
21, 22 Gochi Nyorai, Fujieda;
unknown sect
(5 Buddhas)
Shizuka-en Ryokan, Shizuoka
Sat., Sep. 22 Kanaya 23, 24 Daizenji, Shimada;
(Amida Nyorai)
Sun., Sep. 23 Kakegawa 25, 26 Kyuenji, Nissaka
Mon., Sep. 24 Iwata Station 27, 28 Daikenji, Mitsuke
Hamanako YH, Araimachi
Tue., Sep. 25 Hamamatsu 29 Totomi Kokubunji Ruins
Wed., Sep. 26 Shirasuka - 30, 31 Kyouonji, Arai
Thu., Sep. 27 Futagawa 32, 33 Roadside shrine, Futagawa
Fri., Sep. 28 My Room! -- Nearby Temple, Araimachi
Sat., Sep. 29 Akasaka + 34, 35, 36 Torinji, Goyu
Sun., Sep. 30 Okazaki 37, 38 Hakusan Jinja, Okazaki;
Nagoya YH
Mon., Oct. 1 Narumi - 39 Shorenji, Okazaki;
(Amida Buddha?)
Tue., Oct. 2 Miya
40, 41 Seiganji, Narumi
Wed., Oct. 3 Yokkaichi + 42, 43 Saishoji, Yokkaichi;
(Amida Buddha)
Thu., Oct. 4 Kameyama - 44, 45 Ishiyakushiji, Ishiyakushi;
(Yakushi Nyorai)
Fri., Oct. 5 Tsuchiyama - 46, 47, 48 Hoanji, Sakanoshita
Sat., Oct. 6 Minakuchi + 49, 50 Unknown, Minakuchi Omi Hachiman YH
Sun., Oct. 7 Kusatsu + 51, 52 Unknown, Kusatsu "
Mon., Oct. 8 Kyoto - 53 Ishiyamadera, Otsu;
Tue., Oct. 9 Kyoto End Toji, Kyoto;
(Yakushi Nyorai)
Nara Seishonen Kaikan YH

Old Tokaido Resources

JR (Japan Railways) has published an interesting site with history and comparative pictures of the Tokaido "Past and Present." This site is unfortunately in Japanese only; however, anyone can appreciate the map and Edo-period images of the famous artist Ando Hiroshige, placed side-by-side with images from later periods, found here. [2019: Sadly, both of these resources are kaput.]

All 55 of Hiroshige's prints (53 stations plus the start and end points) in multiple editions can be seen on this users page. He also includes other useful background on the prints. [Equally sadly, this is also gone; but this Wikipedia page has high-quality versions of the best-known edition.]

Beginning in 1964, William Zacha spent over 20 years visiting the sites of the 53 stations and making beautiful, modern watercolors. You can see serigraphs of these paintings--and, what's more, read his fascinating account of the project--on his homepage.

The guidebook I used is in Japanese, but the maps are detailed enough to allow me to follow the "original" route. Also, plenty of landmarks are designated along the way. It's Kanzen Tokaido Gojusan Tsugi Gaido by Tokaido Nettowaaku no Kai.

Another interesting resource is Shank's Mare, a comic novel by Ikku Jippensha about the adventures of a couple of wise guys named Yaji-san and Kita-san as they travel down the old road. Written in 1802, it is in many ways a parody of the contemporary guidebooks being sold at the time.

Finally, I must mention Oliver Statler's book Japanese Inn. (The book is extensively summarized here.) Dave Dutton, my trusted bookseller in Los Angeles, strongly recommended it to me before I came to Japan. I bought it, read it, and fell in love with the idea of walking the Tokaido almost five years before I actually did it. Not a guide to the road, the book gives an impression of the importance of the highway in Japan's history from the vantage point of one historic inn in Okitsu, near Shizuoka. By no small coincidence, Statler also wrote the book that has inspired me to do the Shikoku pilgrimage as well, Japanese Pilgrimage. Both of these books give impressions of Japan far beyond my poor skills to impart.

Updated September 16, 2019

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